A first-in-class family of anti-inflammatory drugs modifying the all-important MEK→ ERK→ AP-1/cJUN/ΔFosB signaling axis and its role in cardiovascular health.

The diseases being targeted by this platform are:

  • Wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD)
  • Diabetic macular oedema

This signaling axis plays a key role in maintaining the health and integrity of the cardiovascular system, with one of its primary roles being to promote the formation of new blood vessels (called angiogenesis).

That pro-angiogenic role turns pathological under certain inflammatory conditions involving the eye (diabetic retinopathy and wet age-related macular degeneration) and the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis) with over-production of new blood vessels with abnormal behaviour such as increased leakiness resulting in local oedema.

Several MEK inhibitors have been developed as anti-cancer agents but have not become adopted as anti-angiogenic inhibitors for inflammation involving the cardiovascular system for various reasons including toxic effects on the heart including hypertension, increased risk of pulmonary embolism, and decreased ventricular function.

The BETA technology platform is distinctive in modifying rather than bluntly blocking the signaling axis as per current MEK inhibitors. That difference leads to effective blockage of abnormal angiogenesis with no known toxicity.

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